3m 24s
Q'ero Mystics of Peru with a run time of just under 1 hour focuses on the mystical practices of the Q'ero Indians of the high Andes, and how their relationship to energy, consciousness and the supernatural can better our lives and offer a path to happiness and joy. The Q'ero are an endearing group of indigenous farmers and mystics that live at altitudes exceeding 14,000 feet. Until the 1950's they lived in relative isolation and had little to do with the outside world. However, in recent years due to a prophecy they have been reaching out to the west and embracing the idea that their ways are not secret, but open for all to learn. They have a beautiful nature based tradition that truly comes from the heart and love for man and our environment. They have something valuable to offer the west as it relates to the interrelationship between Causay (vital living energy), consciousness, the material world and the supernatural realms.