Ayni is a key principal of the Andean spiritual tradition. It is the art of practicing sacred reciprocity. At its core Ayni is the act of giving or paying it forward. Understanding that many of us seek to learn the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients in order to better ourselves and the planet, and also knowing that many are also experiencing financial challenges the following two special one-hour versions of the films Q'ero Mystics of Peru and Ayahuasca Nature's Greatest Gift have been developed. Both films are available on a "pay what you want" basis. The suggested support for both films is $10, but both films can be streamed for as low as 99 cents. If your personal situation is such that you cannot afford anything, please contact me the filmmaker directly and request a 100% free version.
Q'ero Mystics of Peru
Q'ero Mystics of Peru focuses on the mystical practices of the Q'ero Indians of the Peruvian high Andes, and how their relationship to energy, consciousness and the supernatural create a system of universal reciprocity, balance and harmony. Seekers of ancient wisdom often refer to the Q’ero as th...
Ayahuasca Nature's Greatest Gift
Ayahuasca Nature's Greatest Gift is a comprehensive look at the socio-cultural realities surrounding the burgeoning popularity of the Amazonian sacred, medicinal and hallucinogenic brew called ayahuasca. The film has 30 subtopics that answer questions about the tea including its history, usage, r...